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THIS blog WILL COMMENT ON LIVE ROCK PERFORMANCE. THE FIRST HUNDRED POSTS ; MY HONEST OPINION AS LIVE ROCK CRITIC. I have written lately of my own Live Rock journey and how it did end up wrecked on the rocks again and again. Still it is an incredible improvement to have recovered from virtual paralysis a number of times and be able to write and compose and play instruments and most of all to have been able to dance on stage and perfrorm on Harmonica with LIVE ROCK BANDS.
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Fri, Jun 11, 8:36 PM (9 hours ago)
to me I posted this email where it is more relevant than as the tenth email in a chain of castigation
No higher purpose. You pissed me off, I don't like being called a liar by one. You have nothing but absolutely terrible vids, and somehow you are a star. Anyway I decided that as you are crazy and I do not have the skills to deal with craziness in any clinical way, I would just tell you what I thought. I guess at this point the only antidote to the poison you spew is the truth.
DeleteI cannot find the "Carson Gem" written to me:" You never admit you make any mistakes so you do not learn from your mistakes " CC said.
DeleteThe purpose of much art, music and video is to portray mistakes so people can not have to experience failure as you have to learn. There is a lot to learn from your mistakes.
Killjoy Carson I posted " What A Hair raising Thrill to play "Dark Imaginings`live. The twin sequenced Kurzweils provide a powerful stimulus as they recreate my best possible keyboard performance during the songs creation and arrangement and practice.Killjoy said
Jun 11, 2021, 9:45 AM (20 hours ago)
to me
I don't know what to say. You can't hear the bad notes, the terrible time? Singing is one of the hardest things, and the thing people fuck up all the time. The reason auto tune is used so much, is that its hard to hit notes when you have nothing but your voice and ear. You are terrible, I guess because you can't hear what you are doing.
It takes courage to perform, and really display any art. I don't fault you for trying, but you cannot hear how bad that piece is, otherwise you would not show it to me. You may rant on about 'What the labels don't want you to hear'(This is Mr Bill`s Glitch Title not a statement of mine LRC) but its perfect in what it does. The time is right on, there are no bad notes, and although you may not like it, there's nothing wrong with it.
If you want I can get other opinions, I know a lot of musicians, but they are going to say about the same thing.
DeleteFri, Jun 4, 7:51 AM (7 days ago)to CC You will, if you read, find my writing on "Criminal Insanity" and they are a lot like you.You have no higher purpose but seek to demean and disacknowledge all achievement.
Fri, Jun 11, 8:36 PM (10 hours ago)
No higher purpose. You pissed me off, I don't like being called a liar by one. You have nothing but absolutely terrible vids, and somehow you are a star. Anyway
Lindon Collard
Fri, Jun 11, 10:02 PM (8 hours ago)
to CC
I have never lied and I think you do not know when you lie; you think bending facts is opinion.
Where did this Star thing come from? I have written about the anguish and causes of not making any money or even getting sex for free. I offer my songs to people to rework and arrange and create it or something new. I am a competent writer, performer and videographer. Have you looked at 1% of my 450 videos of so many kinds.There is never any meat to your criticism, subjective to you condemnations I know as a musical technician are not true. How are you not a musician, an expert. What purpose do you have, want to make me quit doing music or start over your way like my nuts Mother who "you are a lot like her". What poison is an original song Liar. This is how you lie; you make up that "poison" lie for instance.
"Killjoy Carson I posted " What A Hair raising Thrill to play "Dark Imaginings`live."
DeleteYou may have, but you sent it to me as well. I solicited nothing at all and would never see that in the normal course of events. You sent it to me and I told what I thought.
You have posted email in this public place. I will be considering my options. That is private communication and what you have done is illegal.
ReplyDeleteI may also contact others who may have an interest.
You published your comments by creating an email. I told you you were saying stupid crap that would embarrass you.
DeleteGo into your video game and contact a witch or goblin. EEK!
It is unfortunate for you that you cannot grasp facts and speak only baseless denunciation,like the "poison" comment.
DeleteThis yet another demand to immediately remove all of my private correspondence from this site.
DeleteYou wrote it who always declares others have made their "own" beds.
ReplyDeleteEveryone gets exactly what they deserve. Understanding that fact is very different, to not understanding it. As you do not understand that fact, you believe you are some kind of a victim. This is not true. You have made your own bed, the same as everyone else, and have to lie in it.
I could take some time to explain the metaphysics. Said CC.
I wish that what I did for others could be returned to me as a pile of cash, a thousand meals and lots of Marijuana. I do!
Glitch. The making of digital music, directly. As you are probably not aware all media is now digital. Music is really a stack of samples on a CD, to make it as simple as possible. All video and audio runs as a digital stream and what we hear is decoded digital files. The reason I have just spent a lot of money on a better decoder, and will create, with more hardware, a network bridge, to launder the stream I feed the DAC. It should improve my already very nice digital sound. I fear though that my analog will start to pale in comparison, that was expensive last time I went through this. I got away with better power supplies for both my phono stage and turntable motor. Still my record player now, is very fine indeed.
Anyhoo, what people like Mr Bill do is create the samples a variety of ways, and make the music from those samples. Now people do mix Mr Bill's stuff a lot, and we have some marvellous examples of that, Scribble Remixed springs to mind. But he is not mixing anything. he is creating the sounds. CC< Pengun concludes, "This is so cool`.
As well you don't have anything to play it on. I have better than 10 grand worth of stereo at this point. Baby gets a new DAC today, and I'll build a network bridge to feed it clean clean clean bits. ;)
I would like that one where you say we could not hear the magnificence of MR Bill without your costly audiophile gear.
DeleteTake my private correspondence down from your site immediately!
Fri, Jun 11, 7:15 PM (6 days ago)
I just bought both Sleep Dirt and Tinsel Town Rebellion from HDTracks. I had never seen hi res Zappa before, I guess the Zappa family has released these recentl
Fri, Jun 11, 7:46 PM (6 days ago)
to me
It occurs to me that as the title is 'extraordinary sound' I could bore you with my machine.
It is fed by a PS Audio Power Plant Regenerator that retailed for nearly 10 grand. I paid a bit over a grand for a very low mileage one. It takes filthy power from the mains and uses that to make, a new sine wave, that provides very nearly perfect, noiseless power to my audio equipment.
The DAC and Turntable provide source for the beast. The turntable is pretty nice and associated bits are too. My DAC is wonderful. My new DAC will arrive soon I hope.
My Preamp is a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 Signature. Recently rebuilt by not only the same people, but by the actual guy who made it. Its not at all stock, although when it was new, Stereophile had it in the 10 best Preamps in the world. It throws an amazing soundstage, with instruments not only separated across it but also up and down as well. Things near the mic sound near, stuff further away sounds further. Its pretty nice.
There are 2 Sonic Frontiers SFM-75 Monoblocks one for each speaker. They too have been rebuilt buy the same guy who made them, and they too are nowhere near stock. There is nothing like a 30lb output transformer to bring a speaker to heel. ;) They sport Svetlana Winged 6550Cs and they are much nicer than the regular Sevtlana 6550s that Chris Johnson put in it after it was rebuilt. Still that would have made a big bill rather larger.
A pair of Kef LS50 speakers. These are pretty new and quite fantastic in my system. They need good amps. I am very pleased with them after a year and change, and the slight brightness in the very top is gone.
The speaker cables are Tara Time And Space and somewhat legendary. I was very lucky to get them from a friend who was a partner in our local audio/video store. The rest is Cardas, all my interconnects now, not cheap but I like em'.
Thanks you for allowing me this opportunity to boast about my silly stereo, which I do love. As well its an indication as to how much I love music.
I am overawed, awed by the awesome awesomness of your purchase.
ReplyDeleteSat, Jun 19, 9:11 AM (21 hours ago)
to me from poodlemaster@gmail.com
Upon looking harder at you, and what you have scattered about the web, I was mistaken. You are a bad person and I will have nothing to do with you. Your mail is blocked, blogger has been notified of your posting my private conversation and may do something, they will probably care more about the misogyny scattered about the place. It is amusing that what you have posted from my mail is all true, and you are actually helping my point of view.
Reply's go straight to trash, I won't see them.
Everybody else will see everything eventually. Wait til I portray you in Marjuanaville. Your going to comp-lain to Blogspot is the ultimate "Gaunch Worm Carson". You had to make a Fake 911 call.
Fri, Jun 11, 11:38 AM (9 days ago)
to me
Umm, the vid is marked 2018 on youtube and you say July 10 2017 in the intro. So what is this at the top ? "I just played it live, what a hair raising thrill!" A lie, or is it more complicated?
ReplyDeleteSat, Jun 12, 1:10 PM (8 days ago)
to me
Looking a little further, I see you took down the post I advised you to. I found it in Google cache. ;)
I have not taken anything down unless it was meant to be sent only not to stay. Everything is ready for my eventual publication if it would suit my Series I am writing, Marijuanaville.
ReplyDeleteMon, May 31, 4:27 PM
to me
Sweetie everyone gets exactly what they deserve.
You don't understand that fact, as you only care about yourself, and have constructed a lie that you have been oppressed. You are a hypochondriac and suffer because of that, but its not real. Its made up, and then over time becomes an epic saga, for you. No one else cares, try to understand that fact. I only try once in a while. as you never ever stop whining about your stupid life. You are a pitiful baby in reality and a failure on so many levels.
I'll leave you alone and stop worrying about you. Now, truly, no one cares at all.
ReplyDelete21 of 1,622
None of you can dance;
Lindon Collard
Wed, Jun 9, 4:32 PM (11 days ago)
Possibly you do not relate to my music as it is all of it capable of being danced to. Waltz, Jive, Tango, Twist, Vogue, I do them all. I often start writing a n
CC Replied
Wed, Jun 9, 4:43 PM (11 days ago)
You are certifiable. Here this is what I dance to all the time, my favourite dance mix, I suspect it will be too much for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v
Wed, Jun 9, 5:13 PM (11 days ago)
to me
As well you don't have anything to play it on. I have better than 10 grand worth of stereo at this point. Baby gets a new DAC today, and I'll build a network bridge to feed it clean clean clean bits. ;)
AttachmentsWed, Jun 9, 5:25 PM (11 days ago)
And look, this happens all the time in my youtube screen.;)
Lindon Collard
Wed, Jun 9, 6:18 PM (11 days ago)
Bullshit you never danced in public, you may waddle around your trailer. You and your Youtube tells you what to wATCH. You are a consumer.
Lindon Collard
Wed, Jun 9, 6:40 PM (11 days ago)
Bulshit twice on you.
Lindon Collard
Wed, Jun 9, 6:41 PM (11 days ago)
No i w9ill not listen this is really not music fool, it is Re Mix
Lindon Collard
Wed, Jun 9, 6:43 PM (11 days ago)
Spelling error you will notice that. No I will not listen to this is not music fool, it is ReMIx.
Wed, Jun 9, 6:43 PM (11 days ago)
Its Glitch. Nothing you can understand. ;)
Lindon Collard
Wed, Jun 9, 7:37 PM (11 days ago)
Wed, Jun 9, 7:50 PM (11 days ago)
Glitch. The making of digital music, directly. As you are probably not aware all media is now digital. Music is really a stack of samples on a CD, to make it as
Lindon Collard
Wed, Jun 9, 9:08 PM (11 days ago)
What the Record Companies don"t want you to know. That is an insane reason to select music. He is doing Re Mix. I have actually done what you describe. Mr Bill
Lindon Collard
Wed, Jun 9, 9:11 PM (11 days ago)
Check out how that Idiot Carson harasses me over my music and elevates noise as he elevated Tony, to be annoying, He does not play a note and is tone deaf.
Thu, Jun 10, 9:55 AM (10 days ago)
to me
LOL. You are crazy. I like many kinds of music and have a large collection. I do find glitch gets me dancing about the place as the rhythm is so well done.
You are a narcissist and crave attention. When you discovered people would applaud your efforts at the Yale and other places you played harmonica at, you were over the moon. You decided you would have a career in music as you really like the attention and possible fame. The problem is that you are tone deaf and cannot hear pitch well. More accurately you have amusia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amusia. It affects about 4% of the population, and damage to the head can be a contributing factor.
This allows you to play along on an instrument that is in tune, and your sense of dynamics and sheer showmanship, is quite useful here. As you cannot hear pitch and micro tones well you cannot just play music on an instrument that requires that ability. This is very sad but I'm pretty sure the truth. All of your efforts online are just horrible because you can't hear that they are not music. Almost everyone else can and this does explain your lack of comments of any kind.
You cannot convince anyone that what you produce is any good. You can shout and cry and turn blue, it changes nothing.
You know posting private communication is wrong, but editing that is just another level of awful. You really are an asshole.
Wed, Jun 2, 8:54 AM
to me
Everyone gets exactly what they deserve. Understanding that fact is very different, to not understanding it. As you do not understand that fact, you believe you are some kind of a victim. This is not true. You have made your own bed, the same as everyone else, and have to lie in it.
I could take some time to explain the metaphysics involved, but it would a waste of my time. Suffice to say, we understand that the entire universe came from one place, and is one thing.
What upset me, is that once again you proved that its pointless to try to have a conversation with you. The moment I say something you don't like, like pointing out that the fed, in the person of Janet Yellen said they might have to let rates rise a bit to control inflation, which is now starting to ramp up, and then the next day had to say that although that was possible, it was not something they would do soon, you lose it and say stupid stuff.. As the Bank of Canada had said almost the same thing, with the same retraction the next day I thought that was both funny and revealing. To have you just call me a liar was ... so stupid I hung up.
Now you are right. I did lie, because its literately impossible for me to not care. I just wanted to point out no one else does.
Oh well, after a long career of commenting in places that really don't want me to, it seems like this place is half mine already. ;)
ReplyDeleteI forget about my rather lovely Rega P3 turntable, the new DAC is kinda blowing my mind, but it too is very sweet. An Audio Technica MC cartridge feeds a Musical Fidelity V-Phono section that is powered by the Musical Fidelity V-PSU. I have also got a better power supply for the turntable its self. Every little thing makes a difference and certainly turntables is where this is most evident.
Just ripped my ancient copy of J Geils Live Full House and it is just amazing how well the Denafrips Ares II, takes that 'brickwalled' CD and makes it sing. The first CDs used a rather barbaric method of limiting the top frequencies and they often sound quite hard because of this. Not with this DAC.
I have Agartha playing. Miles Davis in his experimental, kinda fusion jazz, period. So very cool. Miles of course can play the trumpet pretty good, and his band gets a pretty free reign in this recording of the several shows in Osaka. Pete Cosey especially, with his sick guitar stuff, is a standout for me.
For some reason Osaka produces some of the best stuff. I have a set of really well done boots, from 3 consecutive Jeff Beck concerts there, with the second being entirely magical.
All your stupid posturing is believe is calculated to offend
Delete"Sick " guitar stuff means nothing and has no factual basis.
All the techno babble is not oneupmanship I will post it where people who know you can see it. You go right ahead and post anything of mine but beware of continuing your nonsensical talk about me, you look stupid and crazy.
OK what would you call it? Agartha Pete Cosey
DeleteDo not disabuse yourself that you half own my property, LIVE ROCK CRITIC. You actually weakly and flaccidly narked om LRC. You havre mental illmess problems WHAT DID YOU SAY TO blogspot, "fake secret 911" ish .My Uncle Boo used to drive his Jaguar to New York to play with Miles Davis.
Sat, Jun 19, 9:11 AM (3 days ago)
to me
Upon looking harder at you, and what you have scattered about the web, I was mistaken. You are a bad person and I will have nothing to do with you. Your mail is blocked, blogger has been notified of your posting my private conversation and may do something, they will probably care more about the misogyny scattered about the place. It is amusing that what you have posted from my mail is all true, and you are actually helping my point of view.
Reply's go straight to trash, I won't see them.
{That was CC, poodlemaster,I receive comments in several places.}
I am a bad person you say. For publishing my work you choose to trash. Persons of unsound mind are erratic as you are. Your neurosis would be that peripheral interests and invective are more important than other person's hard work and accomplishment.
DeleteNote your constantly reversing yours positions and orders.Now you are on again blathering and misrepresenting.
You are despicable, publishing private communication is illegal as well as wrong. As you have, and as it makes me look far better than you, I have decided to play along until blooger/google dose something, if they ever do.
DeleteThis way there can at least be some intelligent posts, and some good music linked and recommended on this pitiful place. The contrast with what you claim is music, will be quite extreme. ;)
You are a bad person for many reasons. Among the most egregious is your awful posts in Tony Robertson's memorial threads. As well supporting those posts with another character you have created is beyond belief, well scum do,it all the time.
ReplyDeleteIn the morning its hard to beat Jump Man Bootsy and Buckethed are best buds. ;)
A little bit of a dive into digital audio. I am very pleased with my new DAC, but there are a few more steps I will take.
ReplyDeleteDigital music from computers have several problems and some real strengths. The evironment in a computer is not pretty. There are powerful switching power supplies and other components creating noise and jitter in digital signals.
Now many modern DACs have a USB input as USB solves several problems in getting a clean digital signal. First you avoid all the Realtek crap that does both sound out and SPDIF digital out. USB is a double ended set of communication protocols that allow the DAC to control, to some extent the clocking on both ends. This allows it to remove a lot the jitter, digital timing screw ups really. Wonderful, but unless we have a rather expensive galvanic isolator, some very high end DACs do, we will get noise too.
What I am in the process of doing is to create a network bridge using fairly cheap components, around $350 total. As its just the parts assembled by me, there is little cost to much of it. Where the money was spent well, is a set of very nice clocks and pro level AES implementation. This lets me pull the audio from the computer using Ethernet which is very clean from a noise point of view. That goes into a Raspberry Pi mini computer, that uses 5v DC as power, a Very clean environment there. That is passed to the Pi2AES hat which does reclocking and delivers a very clean signal, both noise and jitter, to my DAC. I will be reviewing it when it done. ;)
Some more morning music. The wonderful Pat Metheny live in NY in 1991 with his Last Train Home
ReplyDeleteA great group. I'll be bringing you more wonderful music a little later on.
Onward. My favourite drummer Denis Chambers and John Scofield, one of my favourite guitar players, make very nice music together. From Pick Hits the wonderful Protocol from 1987, this one.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHave you noticed "LIVE ROCK CRITIC" IS NOT A PLACE FOR YOU TO POSE AS AN ECLECTIC AUDIOPHILE WITH Jazz and a plethora of unlistened to genres which make you feel you have something rare and exclusive.