Live Rock Critic 53 April 23 2017
I am being criticized for defending myself against moronic critics who have no respect for the living artist, myself.
My original work was criticized in a ridiculous manner which has no substance but was just plain nihlistic rejection and anecdotes of how little other alleged viewers thought of my work. Piffle.
There is more substance to the rejection of the original artist by the musicians who had work in the cities where I sought to create a career for myself. I could not travel by van from one bar to the next, I would have to be a member of a band which was original and capable of performing in the desirable venues available to the more capable musicians.
The catch to this plan is that to have credibility one must be literally``famous`` in one's home city. I would need to form or join a band and work my way up in the local venues to gain credibility. The problem would then be supporting the band financially by working locally. The gigs in most of the venues were occupied by zealously schmoozing cover bands. People drank more to old blues songs, was the adage among bar owners. I did try to overcome these difficulties, I tried to become known on my own. I learned to perform new material instantly, live, to be ready if the opportunity arose to work at music by forming or joining a band. I have recorded everything written, composed and performed by myself for decades. When the internet made self publishing possible I wrote and composed and performed, recorded, video taped and DVR'd and posted music videos, cartoons and animated political satire and social satire, sometimes set to music.
I resent being unfavorably compared with lousy material done badly by the same bar bandies I have complained about. I do not venerate old , traditional or dead. I could not give a damn about the anything of the dead. I absolutely refuse to fail to defend myself just because the stick I am being beaten with is dead.
Tony Robertson was a big help in 1990, he reminded me that I played harmonica when I had severe head injury and a complete mix-up of all memories. I think that I have developed creatively and that the music and the videos and the political satire cartoons are a further evolution on the writing sessions and the original music played at the "Space Jam" I hosted on my farm in Richmond or in the Burr House in Delta. We learned a lot of brand new fresh riffs every Sunday.
A vibrant creative music scene could still flourish with new material performed at live venues, music unavailable elsewhere. Internet Publishing of live original music from venues might be the thing, but not old blues songs ! Perhaps there is still an original music scene in some cities, maybe even in Vancouver and I am unaware. Respect the living composer! Lindon Collard Live Rock Critic