EMPIRE, I thought I should take a look at FOX TV's EMPIRE.
Surprisingly the TV Program is a Live Music Production a lot of the time and I should have known that Jussie Smollett was still starring in the episode I saw of Empire. A role to die for in many ways, Jussie speaks reason and temperance in his mellifluous baritone tones and he has three or more live music performances.
There was a really quirky and incredibly original dance performance on Fox TV Empire at a ballet school. Watch him dance and marvel at the ballet students' apparel, I could not find the video separately to post it, it is well worth viewing.
The music videos are spectacular visually and some dance segments are just fantastic in my opinion. The musical production and the vocals did not impress me. The costuming of video artists and cast members is really something.

Likely the lifestyles and the clothing of the Empire cast are being held up to scrutiny by the writers and actors, but I have not seen enough of Empire to know. The lack of Ethics, Immorality and Fakery are challenged and the Past Criminal Activity of Characters in Empire are not approved of presently.
Jussie Smollett has perhaps gotten carried away by what goes on even in the two thirds of one Episode of Empire I viewed. Numerous Felonies are committed within a few minutes as Lucius Lyon, head of the Record Label and the Family coerces the signature which absolves him of responsibility for an Internet Defaming Project by hanging the prospective signatory out the window up a number of stories above the pavement until he signed.
Do you wonder where Jussie might have gotten the idea to Fake an Attack?
Did the Ethnic Nigerian US born "Attackers" know what they signed up to do?
POSTSCRIPT: The Dead have lost so much and they cannot be consoled.The Injured may never be the same physically. Everyone present at the Christchurch New Zeeland Mosque massacres has a good chance of not ever feeling the same again. The Mosque congregation and people close to them may not be carefree and unworried ever again. It is ironic that I posted EMPIRE because of a faked attack. I am sorry for all of the unfortunate people who are suffering and who will suffer because of a senseless armed attack.
Attacks, even the fake virtual attacking done in video games, are a negative influence in our world and they should be consigned to the past like so many Stone Age Human cultural and social actions. When people are privately going about their business or cultural activities they should not be attacked. In the case of all attacks, only harm is accomplished. If the attacker makes off with a bone or a gold chalice or an inheritance or a house, which benefit the Attacker, still much more harm than that benefit is done to the Attacked. Vandals gain nothing, they want to do damage.The fake 911 Attacker prize is to get the resident or owner of a property or business SHOT or DRAGGED OFF by the POLICE. The consolation prize is the lack of relaxation of the target at home.
The personality of a person I have known for decades changed to Attacker. He had always sneered at accomplishment and hard work but the One Hundred Per Cent attack against everything that pops up is learned in VideoGameLand.
I do not seek to offend or minimise the loss and grief, my Cartoon Caricature had to bring up the fact that the Villain and Attacker is the ultimate good boy white guy, the Australian.
This is not Lindon, this is Lindon fake computer simulacrum.
There has been an Attack in New Zeeland on Mosque Worshipers by an Australian Terrorist and I do think the authorities should have known to watch those Australians. While they resent a Good Time Charlie image to the world do not forget, to paraphrase Trump: These were not their best people the British sent to Australia.They were rapists, murderers and some good people. The United Kingdom emptied its Jails, Gutters and Insane Asylums and transported the inhabitants to Australia. What could you expect from Australians, it had to happen. Extreme Australian Vetting and Monitoring and perhaps even secret Roundups of Australians. Is this an International Emergency? How much fear should we feel? Is it just the Australian Men we should fear? Are we safe from Australian Women?