This is a link to Family Boorlooms YouTube Channel listen to "Full blown Schizophrenic Liar"
I think the recording was probably just good fortune, but the execution of the musical score on sequenced twin Kurzwiel Variable Architecture Synthesisers and the Les Paul Black Beauty was no accident. The musical score was carefully contrived, recorded, listened to and corrected in a hundred rehearsal sessions before it was recorded live in the air of the recital room pictured in my live music videos. The Kurzwiels played through four amplifiers configured quadraphonically and Leslie Paul had twin Marshal Cabinets and separately effected heads. THE VOCAL IS ME SINGING LIVE.
I have always had a desire to create something really mindblowing. A great Book I thought back in post WWII Canada. I was right there on the cusp as a teenager and at earlier ages, there was new but the old, the very very old world of pre War Society and buildings and roads and canals and bridges was right there. A trip on a bicycle in 1958 down St Patrick Boulevard beside the Lachine canal with the factories and docks and ship lifting locks was right out of Victorian England. I may be one of the few who felt the presence of the past and heard the sounds of industry and ships and trains, or perhaps many people felt the vibe down by the ship canal.
I had wanted to write so I joined in as I could in Trips, including the Music Trip, to write. I found myself writing extemporaneously live with any form of composing or performing event I could participate in. I had many Sunday Space Jams at my Richmond and Delta BC acreages with at the last one in Delta, an incredible huge tall 50 foot by 50 foot recital hall with a three story atrium as part of it. The Burr House was still in Deas Island Park, the last I knew of it, moved there in the 90` from the seven Acre Burr Estate where Raymond Burr , Perry Mason, lived as a child at some point before I got the place in 1974.
I had in conversation mentioned how my back was wrecked and it had been a tragedy for me creatively and musically since the first house at Otter Point Road was burnt with my musical instruments and tapes among many more things. I had spent at least five years working to get the house and possessions to raise the family my ex-wife was adamant about having. The house itself had to be finished, that took eight months.
Believe me, I had to concentrate on other than music most of the time mostly and all of the time some of the time, for instance as I finished the first Otter Point House. I said that since I lost all my possessions at that point life had never been the same. I stated that I could not believe that I was further exploited and extorted and ripped off as well after all I had had been lost. I said that I think that I would have lived a different life and I would have succeeded at music had not so many negative interventions been created.
Every time I would be dispossessed or forced to pay extortion I would have to work at menial back breaking tasks and my art and writing and composing and performing would be curtailed. The back breaking work and accident injury and being caused to collapse use up more of my time until I am totally stalled and it is hard to start up again and very hard when I cannot stand.
Somehow I managed to write a couple of thousand innovative pieces of music and songs and musical scores for animations and cartoons. I think most of those who I know who scoff at my efforts could not have even kept the acreage and home together, debt free. After 2000 I invested the last third of my inheritances, the first two thirds stolen. I had $750K as down payments and the houses and apartment building I bought are now probably Six Million Dollars of Victoria Real Estate which I do diminish not, the rental income strictly pays the principal off. One Million Dollars to pay still. I would have done well with my inheritances and been able to concentrate on my Art,Writing, Composing, Performing and Videography.
I maintain that if I had not been burned out and twice more impoverished and certainly had I kept the first two thirds of my inherited money which was stolen starting in 1964 I would have made as much money as David Bowie or at least $500 million and I plan to sue anyone who had apart in any of the destruction.