Like Frankenstein Monster jolted electrically into activity. Ive been Trumped.
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The Donald is standing with Melania and it looks like hes going to sing. No. First Trump is going to dance to some horrible schmaltzy orchestral arrangement. Clutching Melaniaès back for balance Trump jerked and wobbled back and forth on his tiny unstable feet. His huge girth balanced as if on a pin he weaved and paced to a rhythm which defied the music.
Donald yakked at Melania fawningly making gloating faces. Fawning over himself of course. He points in an arc at the audience as if to magnanimously include them in the attention. Melanias facial expression and body language are those of someone dancing with a giant turd.
I think I see Trump telling Melania to smile. Trump mouths praise and waves and thumbs ups. His giant belly wobbles as he effeminately hand dances.
From inside her snuggli inspired fashion outfit Melania looks disapproving, is DT singing.
Live Rock Critic back to life like Trump: A bloated corpse drowned in swamp water. Puffed to bursting. Corpulently engorged and dressed up and trotted out and ran for President of the United States and won. Here I am again too.