I am critical, perhaps even hyper-critical but this is about musical performance.
My criticism is not like making calls to Police or By-Law or defaming a person to aid an insurance company to deny claim. Calling another person unworthy or degenerate or perverted or insane is bad medicine, dangerous to the target of discrediting accusations. The more The Authorities are involved the worse it is.
I criticize a lack of perfection where that is possible in musical performance. There is often a gross lack of perfection, then what else could I do but to try to mock the posturings of greatness presented with mediocre chops.
Mark Ronson, I do not get it at all. There have been many situations where the other headlining was a significant other. I thought as I viewed and listened: perhaps Ronson is responsible for writing, putting the band together and directing the performance. So what, even if all that were true, so what? The gut string guitar Ronson performs with on " Nothing Breaks like a Heart " is hardly audible and when it is louder is really basic. A million people like it but I am unimpressed.
Miley's outfit: Her pants have that low hanging crotch fault that old time 1950's jeans had. I remember shopping and trying on jeans to avoid the unsightly and possibly dangerously leg grabbing low crotch.