Monday, 23 May 2011



Saturday Night Live May 14th 2011 was hosted by Ed Helms, Paul Simon was the musical guest. Paul Simon and his band are highly polished well rehearsed professionals who play well together. They are a large band with a drummer and a percussionist, bass, four guitars at times, there are three keyboards, a harmonium flutes and whistles and more percussion. The result is a pleasing interplay of complex rhythms Paul Simon's trite compact phrasing is integrated into the music that he is directing.               

This is not a type of music which appeals to me, it is easy listening. In his first song "Rewrite" the band enters an ethereal plane with transcendental imagery and fantasy progressions, really good really well rehearsed. This song is reminiscent of Simon and Garfunkel whipped into a light froth quickly whipped like cream with some sugar and vanilla.

An alternative view was provided by my typist who said "Same old chord patterns and plunking used again ". And she further accuses Paul Simon of being like Bruce Coburn, same chords same rhythm

Paul Simon does a great job of  sliding on the acoustic guitar I really can't imagine getting so much sound out of hammering on with the chord hand to slide down, baroom, it is pretty good.

The second song"So Beautiful or So What" is more upbeat and less easy listening than the first song. Paul Simon does a nice job of creating leads on his hollow body electric guitar. The repetition in the vocals began to irritate me. For the type of person whom I think would enjoy this type of music the most, the repetition might not be a problem as part of easy listening is not paying that close attention as I do to music I am listening to.

There is a haunting sarcastic background vocal which is mirrored by a guitar line, but I am not even really sure, I couldn't spot the source of these parts. The entire band does a great job of performing this second song. Paul Simon can sing. I don't get that much out of the lyrics beyond the constantly repeated refrains but I wonder if I expect too much, I am continually unimpressed with the constant repetition in so many songs I hear. The repetition is thought to be part of a formula, I think, time to find new formula and put some intellectual excitement into new songs. For the audience intended to hear the music, Paul Simon and his band were all right for Saturday Night Live.

Postscript:  Ted Nugent and ------ Huckabee on Fox News, damn, that Ted Guy can play guitar what!

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