I listen to a lot of televised musical performances . It is in some part random, I recorded all of the Seth Myers Late Night shows. He has the worst house band G band.
Brett Eldredge just happens to have come up first .Country Music can be rigidly formulated as was “Beat of the Music” but it was actually performed and without faking or mistaking.
Kongos performed the next night .They are a spacey hillbilly band with an accordion which is used like it was an organ. There is a heavy Creole undertone to their work and some interesting leads.
On April 8 we have “ New Politics” . All the stuff I despise, oh oh oo ooh with music by backing track. If you are a fan of break dancing you might enjoy the the very well done end to the performance , just the last ten seconds or so, hang in right to the end.
I listen to a lot of televised musical performances . It is in some part random, I recorded all of the Seth Myers Late Night shows. He has the worst house band G band.
Brett Eldredge just happens to have come up first .Country Music can be rigidly formulated as was “Beat of the Music” but it was actually performed and without faking or mistaking.
Kongos performed the next night .They are a spacey hillbilly band with an accordion which is used like it was an organ. There is a heavy Creole undertone to their work and some interesting leads.
On April 8 we have “ New Politics” . All the stuff I despise, oh oh oo ooh with music by backing track. If you are a fan of break dancing you might enjoy the the very well done end to the performance , just the last ten seconds or so, hang in right to the end.
I am just getting started speed reviewing. The next group I will review is “Fitz and the Tantrums”. Coming up with a rating system, I will arbitrarily rate Fitz and the Tantrums at 50 out of 100. The Tantrums constantly repeat the blandest of statements. Their performance is mediocre, there is not one bit of brilliant musicianship or song craft. I first viewed Fitz and the Tantrums on Seth Myer’s Late Night Program. In addition I viewed their performance at the Ace Hotel on Live from the Artists Den. They would probably get less than a 50 for a performance which had nothing exciting about it despite Fitz who kept trying to stir up enthusiasm by clapping and waving his arms.
Seth Meyer’s smirked as if he had scored a real coup having the great Kanye West on his program. I would give Kanye a 75 for ability, but what should one deduct for backing track use and over use. West can sing and it is credible. The Rap turns me off as usual as no talent crap.
Jason Derulo has a billion You Tube hits and 35 million sales says Seth. Whimp Rap turns me off as usual. Backing tracks including vocals: ``Talk Dirty`` will get a 50 but what deduction for the backing tracks?
``Aint It Fun`` is the name of the band and the song that they played. This band is 90 out of 100. I did not notice backing tracks or fake playing. Everyone was working the music. Credible Rock. I observe what I think are fine instruments and really good amps. I like the vocal style and the way the lead singer Shirley Brown moved naturally and rhythmically
Seth says ``Twenty-One Pilots`` performed at the Grammys. A weird talking zero Art Band. The piano player can play, imitating `Cold Play``. I wonder how much of the music was a backing track. I spotted some for sure.
PS: You will get to see even more of Seth’s set with the arch and the lights………..looks like a set that you would piece together by cutting out the parts from the back of cereal boxes.
``Parquet Court`` performed ``Black And White``. Seth says they are a Brooklyn Punk band. The drummer is OK. The vocal is terrible. The guitars are boring, repetitious, and not at all fabulous. Fred Armisen is joining in not doing very much by what I perceive from his hand movements. I will rate this performance at 55.
``Young the Giant`` performed Mind over Matter not my favourite type of Rock, but very well performed. Accomplished musicianship and a versatile and tuneful vocalist who is always on key combined to charge the emotions. The band uses some very nice instruments. The Rickenbacker guitar was used particularly to advantage of its unique sound. The band is solid, every member performing well. Comparing the band I think 95 is appropriate.
``Black Label Society`` performed ``Angel Of Mercy``. The vocal was muddy and the tune dragged along. Of the mark a bit to much, another 50 or maybe a 40. Nice instruments just not very well played.
``The 1975`` performed ``. First off`, '75 was different. The pop performed came along after The Fall. And, Seth, this is not really a rock band. The song does not remind me of girls at all. The drummer and base player are competent. They are live I am pretty sure. Good enough for a 60 out of 100.
``Wild Feathers``performed ``Left My Women`` Seth says they play a combination of Rock Country, Folk. And Blues, sounds terrible. Yup, they are; country in my most disliked form. I will award these sing along hillbillies a 35, yup.
``Counting Crows`` performed ``Round Here``. I have a hard time accepting ``Platinum`` but Seth would not lie. There was credible musicianship and vocal work. There is a very good musical performance at the mid point of the song. I would say 90 out of 100. I won`t say anything about the wig.
This Live Rock Critic speed dating thing is so long, possibly so boring too, that I will have to split this in two parts to be continued………………..