Backing tracks with the now standard over use of vocal master are the predominant characteristic of this performance. G has mastered all the Rap poseur moves but as he is a white guy who can not dance or cadence…..
The black Rapper is not prep school cool but he soon drops to a G level. The band unenthusiastically tapped drum and fingered key board to complete the bland stumbling performance of G Easy.
Big Data and Joy Wave: I would guess that Big Data is the dude with the beard. Joy Wave is definitely a 1910 fruit gum company contender but they performed enthusiastically
“Dangerous” is the number one tune on alternative radio! I watched carefully and I could see no key board or guitar although I could hear them, this always makes me suspect backing tracks. The amateurish and uncoordinated dancers seemed to be unrehearsed. To be fair the bassist and drummer are steady.
Rixton performed on Seth Meyers. Obviously bald lead singer, terrible wig.
Rixton does play instruments to perform. Not bad musicianship, though it is very repetitious, not much range of rhythm or tonality.
August 7th 2014 Chase Rice performed “Ready Set Roll”. Country with a backing track and a cap on backwards. Wow, what a dude. Confused fast country, there were a few good guitar licks from the gold guitar dude, but then he got confused too.
I have seen enough bits of Seth Myers to be avoiding them soon forever. Only a few more lame bands, maybe a good one will come along.
The 8 G band has acquired a female guitarist who was quite quirkily ok.
Stand of Oaks, what do you know not bad compared to most of Seth’s bands. Pretty good musicianship, nice tune and the vocal was ok. The piano man has a real piano and does a pretty good job of providing a roadbed for the song. The audience liked them.
Counting Crows performed from their new album “Somewhere Under Wonderland”. Things are looking up over looking the bad wig on the singer.
The band really pumps, many interesting and relevant musical digressions. The performance is a bit ragged at times but it is live and the Crow counters get back on track. Not to much repetition vocally or musically. The guitar breaks are as good as any I have heard for awhile.
The audience really liked the performance, hooting and cheering.
On September 9th 2014 Banks performed. Trying to be quirky Banks is
Simply ridiculous. The ensemble does not make music, just rhythmic sound. The backing track is shameless at times and is also ridiculous. Now she is singing shrill as Seth.
Australian Vance Joy, once again number one on alternative radio. Another very bad wig. The band is sparse unmelodious and is flat as Vance’s voice. Bye Bye Vance.

Nick Jonas, not a bad band, a bit Super Fly a bit Soul. Nick Jonas’s vocal is uninspiring and so lacking in dynamic change that I wonder why he is the front man.

“Shut Up and Dance” by Walk the Moon. This band is disorganized and unmelodious and the backing track is not the worse part the vocal is.
I have cancelled the Seth Myers series.
Group Love is the last group on Seth Myers which I will review. The vocalist continues to race to the bottom in the contest: Who can do the most terrible vocal. The Group Love launched into a confused and irrelevant frenzy and I turned off the TV.