I might be stupid reviewing the artists on TV.

The promoters of modern musical acts might be stupid.
Promoters and television executives might think that
Audiences are stupid.
Stupid is perhaps an overall descriptive adjective
Appropriately applied to many modern musical acts.
I am deeply touched by how incredibly talent less so many highly promoted musical acts are hyped, featured and falsely praised.
Beyonce just happened to be the first act I viewed and listened to since I wrote LRC 37 about Paul McCartney.
The Beyonce Act immediately impressed me with the hugely uninspired choreography. Despite the overwhelming unexcitingness and the undistinguished performance Beyonce struts around like she is producing a great triumph. She dances all through her performance but is any of it any good? I didn’t think so. The memory sticks in my mind of
Beyonce wallowing sexually in front of a fakery of a drummers performance as a talent less boob beats drums in a fake ecstatic frenzy.
Beyonce wallowing sexually in front of a fakery of a drummers performance as a talent less boob beats drums in a fake ecstatic frenzy.
Beyonce exhibits an extremely limited vocal range. I find her singing amateurish and not at all cute. I don’t know what to think Beyonce is trying to portray as she exhibits puerile and vulgar and sexual posturing with an angry aggressive look on her face?
On and On the muddy over vocalised mush goes on an on. Try to make it exciting, use sex, discharge fireworks: Who thinks this woman is great? The whole Beyonce scene reeks of cheap rap crap. The presentation is straight from pimpsville .
One line for Phoenix, poseurs.
Arcade Fire live at the Artists Den, 2012. I am continually surprised how the audience loves really poorly done live music. Perhaps they have to be told of greatness, then someone could shout at them and beat on pans, oh that’s rap.
Arcade Fire is a barely organized large band. No one can sing, there are no spectacular band moves, no great individual musical instrument performances. One weak vocal weaker than the last, pathetic solos, another modern 1910 Fruit Gum Company.
Rap. Yes the rap goon squad, Chris Brown and Drake bitch fighting, scratching each other or something like that in some crappy night club. Drake holding a vigil outside of Little Wayne’s hospital room, what else, most of the soap operas are off TV, it looks like the rappers are going to take over that emotional slob slot.
The rap Clown Dance: One act after another with pre-recorded background tapes and creepy dudes faking the playing of instruments. Macklemore with Ryan Lewis, the performances where fruity Macklemore wears gold epaulets is the epitome of “Clown Dance” Another sticking feature of this act and so many modern acts is constant personnel changes.
When Macklemore appeared on Steven Colbert’s show, the big black guy was missing who either did or just faked on stage the only good vocalization in the entire Clown Dance with gold epaulets performance.
Macklemore's performance on Steven Colbert was absolutely the pits and incomprehensible as well. Gay is so cool today, why not gay rap, despite all the homophobia portrayed in rap I have always thought that many or most of those dudes were on the downlow.
Macklemore was either bragging or complaining about what I would guess was growing up gay somewhere.
Saturday Night Live May 11th 2013. I have to admit that as I search for excellence I am really expecting to find goofs in today’s new bands. Vampire Weekend, right from the first note, weak vocal mediocre musicianship, what are these jerks doing on national TV?

The National, May 22 2013 on Steven Colbert. Steven Colbert describes the National as dark and perfectionist. What an ass Stephen makes of himself, does he do it for money, do all these odd ball musical nerds pay their way onto national TV?

Surpassing all of the blandness, irrelevance and weakness of all of Saturday Night Live’s mediocrity is Canada’s own Anne Murray and Friends. Truly disappointing moves, music that never soars or swells, vocals that never soar or swell, I feel ennui regarding my own song writing and a sense of worthlessness and meaninglessness as I watch the established artists Anne Murray, Jan Arden and K. D. Lang and their friends in self laudatory repertoire performances falling in love over and over again always in the same old voice.